5 Things To Do This Week – 4/14/21

Newton Cultural Alliance highlights virtual arts & culture things to do
NCA is keeping you connected with each other and with your favorite local arts and culture organizations.
*Join Historic Newton for the second part of their series Written by the Victors – Remembering the American Revolution. In Part I of their two-part program, they explored the socioeconomic conditions leading up to the American Revolution. Join them on Thursday, April 15th at 5:00 PM to discuss how political ideals like patriotism and unity impacted the battlefield in the War for Independence. Consider how these ideals continue today through our lasting romanticization of the Minutemen and guerilla warfare, and even in the differing ways in which the Revolution is remembered in different regions of the country. Register in advance for this program on Zoom.
*Newton Free Library is excited to present A Father’s Kaddish, a film that tells the story of how Steven Branfman used the art of pottery to help him work through his grief after the death of his 23-year-old son. The film is a potent and moving journey through the universal experience of loss, mourning, and rebuilding a life. On Thursday, April 15th at 6:30 PM, join the library for a live Q & A with film director, Jen Kaplan, film subject, Steven Branfman and a clinical social worker from Good Shepherd Community Care, the program cosponsor. Learn more about A Father’s Kaddish here. Registration for this program will end two hours before the start time.
*Amherst Early Music will hold their online class “Balancing Text and Music in Purcell’s Songs with Drew Minter” on Saturday, April 17th at 3:00 PM. At a time when Italian poets were grappling with balancing text and music in opera, Purcell stated his intention to bring the Italian style to English music. Using Purcell’s songs you will examine how singers can make the best rhetorical decisions in their singing. The pace of the repertoire classes has experienced solo singers in mind, but all singers, voice teachers, conductors, and anyone interested in early music singing are welcome to register and learn. Classes are $25 per session. Click here to register.
*Join the Newton Art Association’s next Spring Critique on Sunday, April 18th at 2:00 PM. This critique provides a wonderful opportunity to share your work, as well as give and receive feedback. It’s a great way to learn how to evaluate a work of art as well as how to enhance your own creations. Attendance is limited to ten people in order to allow time for sharing and discussing two works by each artist. Please email Myra Abelson to be included on the guest list. A zoom and dropbox link will be mailed out a couple of days prior to the Critique dates and a zoom link will be mailed to those attending the workshop.
* New Art Center will hold several April Vacation workshops for teens from Tuesday, April 20th to Friday, April 23rd. Available workshops include drawing and ceramics, at various times of day. Teens can express their talents, learn techniques and gain important communication and critical thinking skills. Click here to learn more about the programs and sign up.