5 Things To Do This Week – 9/30/20

Newton Cultural Alliance highlights virtual arts & culture things to do
NCA is keeping you connected with each other and with your favorite local arts and culture organizations.
*Enjoy New Art Center’s Introduction to Figure Drawing, an in-person, adult class geared toward beginners. The class runs for four Wednesdays, September 30 through October 21, from 6:30 – 9:00 PM. The class will explore figure drawing using a variety of materials and artistic approaches. By the last session, students will have the basic tools to render the human form: gesture drawing, anatomical studies, the use of contour and tonal exercises, and the importance of editing their finished piece. Cost: $280. Click here for more info and to register.
*Join Newton Free Library on Friday, October 2nd for Twentieth Century Women: Bridging Cultures/Breaking Barriers, a free conversation group on Zoom for high intermediate to advanced adult English learners. In this class, we will examine and discuss the lives of 20th (and 21st) century women who challenged societal barriers in their pursuit of careers in fields as varied as athletics, business, government and law, humanities, medicine, and the sciences. The group meets on 8 Friday afternoons, ending on November 20. Click here to register.
*Amherst Early Music will hold their online class “Monica Madness: New Renaissance Lute Duets” on Saturday, October 3rd at 1:00 PM. The class will focus on the Renaissance hit tune La Monica (aka Une Jeune Fillette), featuring polyphonic settings by Chardavoine, Charpentier, Du Caurroy, Byrd, and Bach. Also: an improvisation workout on the Monica tune and chord progression, with exercises in memory, paraphrase, imitation, and quotation. With your mute button engaged, you are free from scrutiny, and there will be plenty of do-overs–an ideal environment for learning to trust your ears and take some risks. Classes are $25 per session. Click here to register.
*Sign up for New Art Center’s upcoming Digital Photography Teen Workshop on Saturday, October 3rd at 1:00 PM. This three-hour digital photography workshop is designed for teens to explore and have fun with digital photography. The workshop will focus on photography fundamentals, composition, the exposure triangle, and a fun photo project. Students will need to bring a digital camera (with controllable settings and dials preferred) and the manual or reference if available. If you have a laptop and a cable to download your photos in class, please bring to class. If not, the teacher will assist. Click here for more info.
*Be sure to check out Newton Art Association’s virtual exhibition Shelter in Art, which is composed of work created by Newton Art Association members during the COVID-19 crisis. Click here to view this incredible exhibit online through October 31.