The Newton Cultural Alliance and The New Art Center are partnering with MASSCreative on their 2024 Create the Vote Campaign to engage voters and candidates for office about the ways that arts, culture, and creative expression build inclusive, connected, and equitable communities. Massachusetts’ primary elections are Tuesday, September 3rd and the general elections are Tuesday, November 5th.
These are crucial elections for the creative sector not only Nationally and on the State level, but also here in our backyard of Newton. With two state representatives stepping down, we have an opportunity to advocate for the importance of Arts & Culture in our community. After 30 years of service, Kay Khan of the 11th Middlesex District (and NCA Board Member) and Ruth Basler of the 12th Middlesex District are retiring. Rep. Basler's 25 years of service shows that these positions do not change over easily and getting the right person in the House of Representatives is crucial for the support of our sector. We appreciate the years of hard legislative work that both Representative Khan and Basler have given and we are grateful.
Three candidates are running for each district including the 11th Middlesex District - Alex Jablon, Amy Mah Sangiolo, and Steve Yanovsky; and 12th- Bill Humphrey, Rick Lipoff, and Greg Schwartz. Linked below are Arts & Culture Platform Guides provided by the candidates. We have asked each candidate the same questions about their experience with and intentions for the Creative Sector. This is what they had to say.
What Can I do?
Make sure you’re prepared to vote in this important election! Here are a few tips to help you get ready to vote:
- Check Your Voter Registration: Make sure you’re registered to vote by double-checking your status HERE. If you’re not registered to vote yet, it’s not too late – the deadline to register for this year’s elections is October 26.
- Learn About the Candidates: Head over to LWV’s website HERE to see the full list of candidates in our district.
- Find Your Polling Place: Not sure where to go on Election Day? You can find your polling location HERE.
- Vote Early: You can vote early until Friday, August 30.
- Vote by Mail: If you requested a mail-in ballot, make sure to return it ASAP so it can be counted on Tuesday.
- Attend our Public Forum in October at The Allen Center to "Meet the Candidates." Sign up for our newsletter HERE to stay informed of the date and time.
- Vote on Election Day: If you’re voting in person, be sure to bring a valid form of ID. While it’s not required in Massachusetts, a poll worker might ask for it to confirm your identity.
- Make a Plan to Vote: Decide when and how you'll vote. Maybe even bring a friend along!
- Get Your “I VOTED” Sticker: Wear it proudly! And if you happen to take a selfie with it, be sure to tag us on Instagram!
2024 Election Timeline
August 24: Early voting begins
August 24: Last day to register to vote
August 26: Last day to apply to vote by mail
August 30: Early voting ends
September 3: State primary day
October 19: Early voting begins
October 26: Last day to register to vote
October 29: Last day to apply to vote by mail
November 1: Early voting ends
November 5: Election day