5 Things To Do This Week 6/24/20

NCA highlights virtual arts & culture things to do
NCA is keeping you connected virtually with each other and with your favorite local arts and culture organizations. Many more virtual events on our calendar.
*Newton Theatre Company presents its next virtual Radio Hour: All About Eve by Joseph L. Mankiewicz on Thursday, June 25, at 8:00 p.m. via Zoom. A seemingly timid but secretly ruthless ingénue inserts herself into the lives of an aging Broadway star and her circle of friends in this iconic tale of ego and ambition. The production starts at 8:00 p.m. but be sure to log on at 7:45 p.m. to enjoy some live piano entertainment by local musician Neil Miller! Cost is $10. For registration info and the ingredients for a Brandy Alexander, NTC’s signature cocktail for this show, click here. More info at newtontheatrecompany.com.
*All Newton Music School invites you to enjoy free Drop-In Musical Mornings @Home with Mr. Ken on Thursday, June 25, at 11:15 a.m. These fun, weekly virtual classes feature singing, dancing, rhythm instruments, and storytelling. Perfect for kids ages 5 and under. FREE. Registration is required. Click here. More info about All Newton Music School at allnewton.org.
*New Art Center proudly presents Call for Art: Peaceful Protest Posters – Online Exhibition. New Art Center stands in solidarity with Black and Brown members of our community to fight systematic racism and invites you to make systemic change through art. For more than 500 years, Protest Posters have been profound visual icons for social justice and have served as a call to action for societal change. NAC is accepting poster submissions now through Friday, June 26, and the exhibition will run from July 4 through August 31. The exhibition is open to all artists and there is no fee to submit. For submission guidelines and to submit your own poster, click here. More about New Art Center at newartcenter.org.
*Historic Newton and Newton Art Association, along with Newton Community Pride, Newton Camera Club, and Newton’s Office of Cultural Development, present Newton Community Cameras: A Photography Contest During COVID-19, with submissions being accepted from June 1 through June 30. How do we connect when we are physically distant? While COVID 19 continues to impact lives around the world, we have the opportunity to document this life-altering event in a very personal way through photography and our stories: how it affects our families, our work, our community, and our daily lives. A juried exhibition of 20 photographs selected by an arts community committee will be at a location and time to be determined. All contest entries will be archived with Historic Newton, so that residents in the future can learn about life in Newton during the COVID-19 pandemic. FREE. Click here for submission guidelines. More info at historicnewton.org.
*Newton Free Library presents CHECK Please! with Author Ngozi Ukazu on Tuesday, June 30, at 4:00 p.m. via Zoom. Celebrated author/illustrator Ngozi Ukazu takes us behind the scenes of her bestselling webcomic/graphic novel series CHECK Please! Join us on Zoom as Ngozi gives teens a look into her drawing and writing process. A question and answer session will follow! Grades 7 and up. This event is co-sponsored by Newton Free Library’s teammates at OUTMetrowest. To access this event, click here. FREE. More info at newtonfreelibrary.net.