Newton Free Library presents: Tales from a Reluctant World Traveler


Sixteen weeks, four continents, three bungee jumps, and Randy Ross couldn't come home soon enough. This is the story of how a Boston homebody turned a solo trip around the globe into a comedy novel and an acclaimed one-man show. The 1.5-hour, multimedia Zoom event includes a humorous travel slide show, readings from his novel God…

NCA presents: “The Hi Note Project” by Arjana Vizulis and Ivan Danylets

Facebook Live , United States

Join us on Facebook at 8 pm on Wednesday, July 29 for a great performance by Newton’s own Arjana Vizulis and her fiancé Ivan Danylets, a wonderful acoustic duo of voice and piano, in their “Hi Note Project.” The “Hi Note Project” is a musical greeting card; a collection of livestream concerts by Arjana and Ivan in collaboration with venues…

Pro Arte presents: Summer Salon Series

Facebook Live , United States

Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra of Boston brings its Salon Series into the summer for the first time. These chamber music concerts will be live every other Thursday on our Facebook page at 7PM starting on July 2nd. Click here for Facebook link and donation page. (Suggested donation $25.) On Thursday, July 30, the program will…

SCC Virtual Screening – Women’s Shorts

ONLINE United Kingdom

The Scandinavian Cultural Center are pleased to be co-presenters for the Women’s Shorts, part of Wicked Queer, the 36th Annual LBGTQ+ Film Festival being shown virtually between July 4th and August 2nd. For more information and to buy tickets, click here. Included is Sweden’s My World in Yours (Min värld i din). Shams and Stella are in love.…
