Newton Free Library presents: ELL Twentieth Century Women – Bridging Cultures/Breaking Barriers

ONLINE United Kingdom

ELL Twentieth Century Women: Bridging Cultures/Breaking Barriers is a free conversation group on Zoom for high intermediate to advanced adult English learners. In this class, we will examine and discuss the lives of 20th (and 21st) century women who challenged societal barriers in their pursuit of careers in fields as varied as athletics, business, government…

Newton Free Library presents: ELL Twentieth Century Women – Bridging Cultures/Breaking Barriers

ONLINE United Kingdom

ELL Twentieth Century Women: Bridging Cultures/Breaking Barriers is a free conversation group on Zoom for high intermediate to advanced adult English learners. In this class, we will examine and discuss the lives of 20th (and 21st) century women who challenged societal barriers in their pursuit of careers in fields as varied as athletics, business, government…

Amherst Early Music presents: Online Open Mic

ONLINE United Kingdom

Join Amherst Early Music for a FREE virtual recital! You too can broadcast from your living room! Act now to reserve a spot to perform, or join in as a listener. We invite instrumentalists or singers to work up a short piece of music and play it for our supportive AEM community. Silent applause is…

Newton Free Library presents: Kamala’s Way – An American Life

ONLINE United Kingdom

Join Dan Morain, author of the new biography, Kamala's Way: An American Life, for a discussion of America's new Vice President, Kamala Harris. During his time as a reporter with the Los Angeles Times and editorial editor with the Sacramento Bee, Morain covered Kamala Harris's rise to power as a deputy district attorney in Alameda County to District Attorney…

Newton Open Studios

Newton Open Studios is back with 75 Newton artists and artisans for an all-outdoor event this year. Newton Open Studios 2021 will have locations throughout the city with artists displaying their works for sale from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 26th, Rain date, June 27th.  Artist registration is still open to participate through June 18th by signing up here. …

New Philharmonia Orchestra Pops Concert

An exciting program celebrating America, our freedoms, our culture, and our community!  Outdoors at the Newton Centre Bowl – bring your lawn chairs and picnic and join the fun as we celebrate July 4th on July 5th at 6:30 PM.  The program will feature a variety of celebratory American musical treats and Aaron Copland’s iconic "Lincoln Portrait,” with…