Newton Free Library presents: Create Your Own Comics

ONLINE United Kingdom

Do you like Dogman, Narwhal & Jelly or the Babysitters Club? Come learn about how to make your own comics! We will meet on the first two Wednesdays evenings: February through June. Learn about the ways you can make your comics go KA-POW! as we write, draw, and share. Join us for this beginner's creative writing workshop for children in third and fourth grade. A…

New Art Center presents: Glass Mosaic Jewelry Workshop

New Art Center 61 Washington Park, Newton, MA, United States

Using a wide selection of precut colored glass pieces, beads, iridized and dichroic glass, create a mini mosaic inside a pendant/necklace. Once the glass pieces are glued to the metal, grout your pendants with one of the many colored grouts available and clean your pieces. Voila! You’ll be provided a black leather cord necklace for…


Scandinavian Cultural Center presents: Live and In Person – Oskar Stenmark

Scandinavian Cultural Center 206 Waltham St, Newton, MA, United States

Oskar Stenmark and Alex Pryrodny met in New York City 2014 and formed a strong bond over improvisation, jazz and folk music. Now, they are taking their artistic collaboration to a new level by performing live for the first time since 2019. Their focus is now on classical music, paying homage to Scandinavian composers such as Grieg, Stenhammar,…