Newton Free Library presents: A Night in the Amazon with Erica Ferencik

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Join Erica Ferencik for a night in the Amazon! Thirty-foot anacondas; puppy-sized spiders; SUV-length electric eels that can kill you with a glancing blow – these are some of the creatures that Erica encountered on her month-long journey of survival in the Peruvian rainforest while researching her book, Into the Jungle. Her incredible story is sure to thrill all!…

Newton Free Library presents: Creating Public TV Shows with Roberto Mighty

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Join filmmaker, Roberto Mighty, for a session in which he will talk about the process of creating and producing his three new TV shows that are airing nationwide on public television. Learn why World’s Greatest Cemeteries, getting dot OLDER and Legacy of Love are all labors of love for this former college professor who is a former Newton resident!…

Historic Newton presents: Boston’s Great Innovations

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What makes Boston one of the world's top innovation centers? Join Robert Krim and Alan Earls, co-authors of Boston Made: From Revolution to Robotics-Innovations that Changed the World, as they reinterpret Boston history through the lens of innovation. Trace four centuries of this history to learn about scientific discoveries, groundbreaking social policies, and other innovations -…

Newton Free Library presents: Celebrating Voices of Color – Poetry Reading & Open Mic

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Join us for virtual readings in this year's poetry series. This month we will feature the voices of black and brown poets. An open mike follows with a limit of one poem per person, limited slots are available. Sign ups for the open mic will happen during the actual session. The series is facilitated by Doug Holder…

Historic Newton presents: Half American – The Epic Story of Black Americans Fighting WWII

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For Black Americans World War II was about not only America’s standing in the world but also about how much actual freedom would exist in the United States. Black troops fought bravely in combat and they formed the backbone of the U.S. military’s supply effort, all while fighting in a segregated military. Black veterans returned…